Projects in the course
Project I: Recognizing gestures with light sensor
Project II: Classifying hand gestures with accelerometer
Project III: Audio scene recognition with microphone
Project IV: People counting with ultrasonic sensor
Project V: Intelligent meteostation with BME280
Getting Started is Easy
Let's take a look at the kinds of interesting things
that TinyML can achieve!
Artificial Nose
Some time back in May 2020, I'm guessing like many other people, I spent quite some time trying to perfect my bread recipe - including trying to determine when my sourdough starter would be in the ideal condition to bake perfect baguettes.
Fast-forward to a few weeks later, I had assembled a full-blown (pun intended!) artificial nose. It can be used for a wide variety of applications, from helping folks suffering from anosmia to spot the smell of burning food or spoiled milk, to monitoring the cleanliness of office buildings, etc.
Benjamin Cabé
Hardware Assembly
First connect the Wio Terminal and the Grove multichannel gas sensor, in preparation for data acquisition.
Data Acquisition
Collect sensor data for the scents of different types of objects to be classified.
Model Training
With just a few clicks, train a machine learning model to detect and classify gestures.
Deployment and Use
The artificial nose is now ready for operation! Deploy the optimised TinyML model to the Wio Terminal and witness the power of edge AI!
Want to get started with the exciting world of AI but don't have any experience?
Don't fret! With easy-to-use tools and step-by-step instructions, you no longer need a PhD in machine learning to begin exploring the world of AI!
Wio Terminal
Wio Terminal is your complete AI platform to get started with TinyML and IoT - Built around the ATSAMD51P19 and ARM Cortex-M4F at 120MHz for high compatibility with various ML frameworks for microcontrollers.
Learning Resources
TinyML with Wio Terminal Free Course for Beginners
Begin your first step into the world of TinyML and Wio Terminal with detailed lessons and step-by-step projects to guide you! Now, simple hardware can also solve complex problems.
Edge Impulse is the leading development platform for machine learning on edge devices, free for developers and trusted by enterprises.Edge Impulse allows you to easily train and deploy machine learning models like never before!
Codecraft is a graphical programming environment based on Scratch 3.0 that supports a great variety of hardware devices and programming languages such as Arduino, Python, C or JavaScript etc.
Now it supports TinyML in collaboration with Edge Impulse!
Now, simple equipment can also solve complex problems.
Collaborate With the worldwide Community
TinyML Smart Weather Station
Learn to build your very own smart weather station powered by machine learning, from data acquisition to training to deployment!
AI powered thermal camera
TinyML model running Wio Terminal can identify if animal or human is approaching even in the dark and alert campers.
Voice Activated Robo Car
Using voice recognition with the in-built microphone, Wio Terminal will be able to recognize the go, stop and background noise by TinyML.
Smart Stethoscope
Smart Stethoscope Powered by Edge ImpulseSmart Stethoscope Powered by Edge Impulse
Artificial Nose
Build a TinyML artificial nose that help folks suffering from antosmia to detect various scents, such as the smell of burning food or...
Thermal Imaging Camera controller
A non-invasive solution for hot flashes during menopause using machine learning
Play dino game physically
In this project, we are going to play the chrome dino game physically with the help of machine learning and embedded electronics.
Wio Terminal Classroom
Welcome to the Wio Terminal Classroom! Learn from Lakshantha, who will help you get started with the Wio Terminal, zero to hero!
Join other passionate makers in an exciting journey of learning and collaboration and leverage countless unique projects and applications that have been already be developed! To help you get started, we've even organised more pieces and ideas from the community, which you can read on our blog.
Solve Real Problems Using Machine Learning On Edge Devices.
Grove System
"Teach old sensors new tricks" and bring smart capabilities to your edge devices! After developing your foundation in TinyML with the course materials and guides, you can extend your knowledge further to solve problems in unique contexts with Grove!
Grove is an open source, modular, easy-to-use toolset optimised for simplicity. Avoid complicated wiring and solder and take advantage of more than 300 Grove modules for fast, plug-and-play hardware prototyping!
The Future of Machine Learning is Bright and Tiny.
TinyML is a field of study in Machine Learning and Embedded Systems that explores machine learning on small, low-powered microcontrollers, enabling secure, low-latency, low-power and low-bandwidth machine learning inferencing on edge devices.
People Counting System built with Wio Terminal and Ultrasonic Sensor
Azure Certified Temperature & Humidity (SHT31) detector with Wio Terminal
Wio Terminal Smart Garden Kit
Azure Certified Wio Terminal CO2 Checker
The Future of Machine Learning is Bright and Tiny.
Codecraft Graphical Programming for TinyML
Codecraft is super friendly to TinyML beginners and even people with no programming background
Powered by Edge Impulse, Tiny Machine Learning is easily accessible by beginners using Codecraft graphical programming. By simple drag-and-drop coding, acquiring data, training, and deploying model is more vivid than ever.
Step 1 - Model Creation
One-click model creation
Step 2 - Data Acquisition
Upload data collection program and collect data
Step 3 - Training & Deployment
Easily adjust parameters to visualize training results
Step 4 - Programming
One-click deployment to personal programs
Finally a real beginner friendly platform for teaching embedded AI to younger learners!
For a very long time I've been looking for a helpful tool for such hands-on experience in my classroom, Codecraft is definitely beyond my expectation.